CZ Yearbook 2019 /eng

66 | | 67 increase in weight compared to an ordinary CZ 557 – the new CZ 557 LUX II model with a 610 mm long barrel, still re- taining its legend- ary ro- bustness of the barrelled action, weighs amere 3.4 kg without cartridg- es. Hunters who work with this rifle on a daily basis will cer- tainly appreciate that. CZ 557 VARMINT SYNTHETIC Another new product ready to make use of the “medium” category calibre is the CZ 557 VARMINT SYNTHETIC. As the name suggests, this new rifle constitutes the fusing of two versions of the 557 rifle series, namely the CZ 557 VARMINT and the CZ 557 SYNTHETIC. The newmodel therefore com- bines a durable anatomical polymer stock with an accurate barrelled action incorporating a heavy and highly precise barrel. What is more, both main parts h a v e also re- ce i ved extensive innovations resulting in a new and extremely versa- tile platform. T h e S y n t h e t i c s t o c k i s equipped with an adjustable cheekpiece that allows for an optimized positioning of the head towards the riflescope when shooting f rom various positions. Thanks to this, it no longer matters whether you need to place the perfect shot f rom a prone position, sitting or standing, you will always feel comfortable in any of those. The stock has the tried and tested soft-touch f inish that enhances the comfort of the grip and prevents acciden- tal slipping when handled in damp conditions. In addition, the contrasting de- sign of green and dark grey of- fers an interesting element in the overall look, guaranteeing to catch the attention of other shooters. Yet another change in the CZ 557 VARMINT SYNTHETIC model comes in the modifica- tions of metal parts. The most crucial one is the shortening of the barrel to 520 mm. The new rifle is therefore considerably more compact than its prede- cessor but the barrel is still long enough to fully exploit the po- tential of the 308 Win. and 243 Win. calibres it is available in. Furthermore, changes in the design are also reflected in the muzzle that nowhas a newpro- file which positively influences the stability of the bullet at the brief but important moment when leaving the b a r - rel. The muzzle is f it- ted with an M18×1 thread for the easy attachment of a compensator, muzzle break or silencer in countries where such device is permitted or re- quired. The trigger mechanism in the CZ 557 Varmint Synthetic has also been modif ied. It al- lows the user to set the trigger travel and trigger pull weight within a really low “target” 10 N up to 22 N. As standard, the receiver is equipped with a Weaver rail for the quick attachment of a riflescope, with an option to remove it and attach it again wi thout l os i ng the sighting. Every user who wants to shoot at longer distances will appreciate the option to have the basic version of the rail replaced by a modified one with a 25 MOA incline, which fully enables the utilization of the whole range of vertical cor- rection of the point of aim on commonly available optical scopes. It means you can shoot at longer distances perfectly well even with fairly basic op- tical equipment offering a rel- atively small range of sighting. Lastly, the CZ 557 VARMINT SYNTHETIC is supplied with a 10-round magazine which has received the designers’ at- tention too, whereby they have taken into account modern trends of increased populari- ty of long bullets with a high ballistic coeff icient. The new magazine has therefore been modif ied to place longer cartridges reliably, but the new rifle is still compatible with the ex i s t i ng 4 - r o u n d compact magazine. Overall, the CZ 557 VARMINT SYNTHETIC offers a versatile platform that performs excel- lently at shooting ranges as well as when hunting, especial- ly when hunting predators at medium and long distances. Above all, this is due to the ri- fle being extremely compact, thanks to the length of the bar- rel and shortened receiver. In its basic conf iguration, it weighs only 4 kg. New Predator Another model that is worth mentioning is the innovat- ed CZ 557 PREDATOR which now boasts several new elements. The polymer stock of this rifle is reinforced with glass f ibre and f inished in a real tree camouflage design that makes this model high- ly suitable for the hunting of shy game, where not only the hunter himself requires care- ful camouflaging but his gun too. The stock has a soft-touch finish whose advantages have already been mentioned. Every keen shooter will also appreciate the fact that the e rgonomi c s tock i s now equipped with a practical, height -adjustable cheek- piece. As with the CZ 557 VAR- MINT SYNTHETIC, it helps to keep the optimal position of the eye towards the riflescope. A huge added value of the new Predator is the radial muzzle brake, supplied as a standard accessory. It improves shooting comfort when using more powerful car- tridges, such as the 30-06 Sprg. Should the user for some rea- son prefer not to use the muz- zle break, they can easily un- screw it from the M14×1 thread and attach a device in accord- ance with his or her preferenc- es (e.g. a silencer) or cover it with a cap. The innovative CZ 557 Predator rifle is currently available with a fixedmagazine in 308Win., 30- 06 Sprg. and 6.5×55 SE calibres. Living Tool The CZ 557 rifles are clearly not just a stable part of the CZ portfolio but also living tools with which the company con- stantly responds to the current requirements of the hunting and shooting communities as well as innovations where ballistics and ammunition are concerned. Those are just some more of the reasons that make the CZ 557 family so popular amongst shooters and hunters world- wide, f rom the most experi- enced to complete beginners. CZ 557 LUX