CZ Yearbook 2019 /eng

20 | | 21 In the spirit of František Koucký TheCZP-10C is apistol that does not requiremuch from the user. Its handling is simple and intu- itive, accommodating the cur- rent needs and requirements of the armed forces, whose ideal is a gun that is as easy as possible to use and at the same time as safe as possible. You begin to fully understand the appeal of the new CZ pistol once you take it in your hands and fire for the first time. It fits your hand like a glove and the trigger is simply outstanding. When I think about the design of the CZ P-10 C, I f ind simi- larities with the legendary CZ 75. The concept of the trigger mechanism in both models is “everythingoneway”: the trigger is a single lever; the trigger bar is placed below the axis of the trig- ger andmoves backwardswhen If there is such a thing as a gunsmithing heaven, then Mr Koucký, the father of the CZ 75, must be there. And if he is looking down and seeing today’s CZ P-10 C, he must be very happy. Despite the differ- ent concept, I see this pistol as the continuation of the very best that has made CZ so fa- mous. It is great to know that even after forty years, the spir- it of Mr Koucký lives on... the trigger is pulled. The key elements of the recoil and the trigger mechanism in both pis- tols are symmetrical and try to eliminate the passive resistance created by misaligned forces as much as possible. Further- more, both have many innova- tive features (although it must be noted that at the time of its launch, the CZ 75 was a truly ground-breaking model, while the CZ P-10 C, as it were, follows modern trends) and both offer excellent ergonomics. CZ P-10 C calibre 9×19 overall length 187 mm height 132 mm width 32 mm barrel length 102 mm sight line 163 mm magazine capacity 15, 17 (9×19) with an insert weight unloaded 0.735 kg