CZ Yearbook 2019 /eng

CZ P-10 C FDE 16 | | 17 the traditional concept of modern pistols with polymer f rames and linear, partially pre-cocked strikers (some- t imes s imply cal led strik- er-fired). In recent years, these guns have become more and more popular, above all due to the fact that they put minimal demand on the shooter being trained. Basically, all one has to do after pulling the slide is tomatic striker safety: while traditionally, the body of the safety moves downwards, in the CZ P-10 C, it pivots. A big advantage of this mod- el is the fact all the major forces in its trigger mecha- nism are transmitted in the longitudinal vertical plane of symmetry, therefore mini- mizing f riction and jamming caused by misaligned forces. fore the same as magazines for the CZ P-07 and CZ P-09 hammer models. A new fea- ture i s an opening in the f ront wall of the case for the magazine catch which has cont rol s on both s ides . I t was typical for the f irst ver- sion of the CZ P-10 C and will continue to be available on request, for example when supplying the armed forces. As standard, this pistol is cur- rently available with the magazine catch control on one side onl y, in l ine wi th the CZ P-07 and CZ P-09 models. It may of course be easily switched to either s ide according to user preferences. Another new feature is the red colour of the follower. It makes the visual check of the gun easier and also makes the magazine easier to find when the shooter lets it fall on the ground. The magazine mouth is slightly slanted into a fun- nel-like shape, which allows for faster reloading. After the last cartridge has been f ired, the slide stays in its rear position. When a new magazine is inserted, to re- lease the slide, the shooter can either push one of the sym- metrically-placed slide stops or slightly pull the slide back and release it. External slide rails The steel slide has borrowed design aspects f rom the CZ P-07 and CZ P-09. At the back and at the f ront there are right angle serrations for better grip. The upper surface of the slide is straight and is fitted with a right-angle front sight and an extended wind- age-adjustable rear sight with a right-angle aperture. The sight picture is accentuated Easy stripping The basic field stripping of the CZ P-10 C for cleaning is simple and straightforward. Remove the magazine and check the chamber. Release the slide forward, point the gun in a safe direction and release the striker by pulling the trigger. Slightly retract the slide, push the buttons for stripping down and push the slide together with the barrel off the front of the pis- tol frame. Remove the flat wire recoil spring from the slide (it forms a unit with a guide usually not stripped by the user) as well as the ba- rrel. The pistol has now been stripped. Assembly is identi- cal, in reverse order. to pull the trigger with a con- stant trigger pull weight. Nevertheless, closer examina- tion of the CZ design concept reveals several significant dif- ferences. The main one is the trigger mechanism. It has a solid single trigger and du- al-sided trigger bar that hugs the outside of the magazine wel l . In l ine wi th modern trends, the CZ P-10 C has no manual safety. Instead, there are several automatic safety mechanisms that effectively eliminate unintentional dis- charge. Worth mentioning is the new and very clever au- The originality of this solution is well evidenced in the fact that at least three elements of the CZ P-10 C design are patent protected. Ambidextrous and interchangeable controls The CZ P-10 C has a dou- b l e - s tack magaz i ne wi th a single-stack mouth. The magazine case is made of steel wi th an ant i - f rict ion coat ing, the fol lower and baseplate are plastic. The ba- sic capacity is 15 9×19 cartridg- es, however, as it is more and more common nowadays , the user may easily increase it by two more rounds, thanks to an insert that is supplied as a standard accessory. The CZ P-10 C magazine has been designed so as to be unified for all modern CZ pis- tols with polymer f rames, its key dimensions are there- with three white dots. The f ront of the slide has partially smoothed edges to allow eas- ier holstering. The po l yme r f r ame ha s a standardized accessory rail at the front with one transver- sal groove. The vertical f ront of the trigger guard is rough- ened, ending in a small pro- trusion on the bottom edge. The bottom part of the trigger guard lies horizontally, with a slight undercut just before it joins the pistol grip. In the centre, it is slightly narrowed for easier reach of the trigger. The trigger itself is fairly wide and has vertical grooves on the front. On the sides of the f rame, slightly in f ront of the trig- ger, there are buttons on both sides for f ield stripping. Be- hind them, roughly where the f ront of the grip starts, pro- tected by a rounded flat ob- long protrusion, there are the serrated areas of the slide stop controls. Between the slide stop and the magazine catch controls, or rather control, there is a shallow depression on the sides of the pistol grip, which helps the pistol to be gripped correctly every time. The grip itself is covered with distinctive textured squares on the front, on the sides and on the back. The same style of checkering can be seen on the f rame where the shoot- er ’s index f inger rests. The bottom of the grip bears the logo of the manufacturer. The backstrap is interchangea- ble and comes in three sizes. It is attached to the frame by a dovetail groove and at the bottom it is secured by a pin. The face of the pistol grip is slightly convex. Inserted in the polymer frame, there are two metal blocks with slide guiding rails that carry parts of the mechanism. The slide rails are external, a new feature on modern CZ pistols – from the times of the CZ 75, the company used in- ternal slide rails. The change to external ones has made the gun narrower and lower com- pared to the hammer CZ P-07 compact, while making the area of the serrated gripping surfaces larger.